Monday 2 November 2020

Environmental problems


Believe it or not, but animal extinction is one of the biggest problems in the world.


My only reason is, why we should kill less animals.

We should eat less animals because we are killing endangered species for “exotic” meats, some of the endangered animal we kill for food are:

African forest elephants, giant Chinese Salamanders, and fin whales (all of these animals are on verge of extinction).

Also the less endangered animals are being killed more and more each year, in 1970 we had 100% of vertebrae animals, in 2020 we have lost more than 60% of that population, some vertebrate animals include: lizards, turtles, sharks, and snakes.

Most of the endangered species are in trouble because of people cutting down forests, and wildfires. but, sometimes animal extinction occurs naturally (loss of genetics). 

Animal extinction can also have a chain reaction by messing up the food chain, this concludes my presentation on why we should not kill endangered animals.